Our solutions

We provide a wide range of organizational development solutions, in English and in French, to help our clients lead innovative, meaningful, value-added strategies to deal effectively with the human impact of change.

Our approach:

We bring together findings, reflections and experience from leading business, innovation and organizational development practices, including Neurosciences, Bio-systemic® approach to organizational improvement, W.Bridges’ Transition Model®. Our way of engaging with our clients is

  • Collaborative to co-create solutions, enable buy-in and ownership.
  • Customized to best fit business needs, culture and diversity characteristics.
  • Personalized to facilitate follow-up and smooth interactions.
Leadership - Business Concept

Our core services

Leading Organizational Transition Trainings 

In-house workshops and seminars providing frameworks, techniques and insights to better manage team or individual transitions, cope with change overload, motivate people to action, promote engagement and build change resilience within the organization.

  • Managing Organizational Transition helps senior executives successfully implement a significant change. Leaders develop effective transition strategies, generate trust, minimize their teams’ distress, create an environment of increased motivation and productivity. More
    • Individual Transition in Organization assists managers and employees whose roles and lives are being impacted by change to handle their transitions with less disruption. They learn how to renew commitment, creativity and performance and to become less vulnerable to workplace transformation. More
  • Communication for Team Performance equips executives and managers with techniques and skills to engage their people in the business transformation projects, keep them focused, motivated and maintain momentum.In times of change, leaders will be confronted with resistance, misinterpretations, along with a need from their people for more clarity about the change rationale and its impact. Traditional, linear communication will not work in such situations. Improved interactive processes will.In this hands-on training, senior manager and team leaders test and adapt tactics to timely communicating the change vision, roles and planning in ways that are clear, understood and incorporated by their employees.

Change and Transition Consulting  

Strategies and practices focused on guiding executives to address business challenges and organizational transitions often generated by restructuring, downsizing, mergers, introduction of new technology, etc. Services may cover:

  • Transition-readiness assessment
  • Vision and values definition
  • Change and transition plans’ alignment
  • Internal communication tactics

Coaching for Change  

One-on-one specialized support for executives, change agents or individuals.Based on a prior common agreement on style, confidentiality, roles, expectations, goal setting and development plan, assignments may tackle the following needs:

  • Becoming a leading and learning role model during transitions
  • Communicating for motivational and crucial conversations
  • Transitioning into a new role or career
  • Facing intercultural challenges

 Only in growth, reform, and change, paradoxically enough, is true security to be found.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh – American Writer


Career Reinvention Workshops 

Collective seminars or individual coaching for all levels within an organization as well as outside in a private capacity.

  • Reinvention is a fundamental approach to achieve success in response to changing economic and technological trends, both for:
  • Companies to redeploy, retain or re-motivate their talents.
  • Individuals to identify, craft and land new opportunities within their organization -or without if they are either being imposed or seeking a change.

Our sessions have participants gain confidence in their ability to redesign their career, to take control of their professional future and to find new satisfactions, if not tremendous energy, from work.

Through a variety of activities comprising, frameworks and exercises, participants get into a positive and creative mindset that enables them to re-align their personal and career aspirations.

Together, whether in a group or individually, we then work on concrete tactics to explore the uncovered ‘possible selves’ as well as fears and barriers. If participants pursue in their new venture project, we identify action steps, resources and longer-term goals. We further create a plan to reach them constructively. Participants test them by doing and drawing useful lessons from the whole transition process.


Updated on 2014-09-05T08:52:55+00:00, by admin.